Quality website traffic is the lifeblood of every business with an online presence. Driving more traffic to your website is one of the key functions of most digital marketing initiatives, the argument being that once you’ve got them on your site they are exposed to what you’re selling and will, hopefully, make a purchase.

One of the most vital tools to help drive traffic in the right direction is Google Analytics, which comes packed with data! For the uninitiated, leveraging Google Analytics’ insights to boost traffic and search engine ranking can be tricky, but with the right understand and the right approach it can be done. Just remember that like most things in life, results aren’t going to be instantaneous – but they will be sustainable!

A Quick Note about Traffic

Website traffic can be divided into two basic types: organic and paid. 

Organic traffic is what happens ‘naturally’; this is where your search engine optimization (SEO) and content marketing strategies can really make a difference. Both these strategies can help lift your visibility online, making you easier to search for and findable.

Paid traffic, on the other hand, is the traffic generated from when you pop some funding into advertising to make sure that your links and posts appear in front of the people most likely to click through to your website site or landing page. 

7 Ways to Use Google Analytics to Increase Website Traffic

1. Understand your Audience

Knowing your audience is the first and perhaps the easiest step to take to increase your website traffic. Luckily, Google Analytics has always been a big provider of information to help you form a solid picture of what your existing audience is interested in. 

One of the best and most sustainable ways to build organic traffic is to make sure you know what they are searching for and generating relevant keywords from that information. The trick with keywords is to imagine what your target audience might be searching for when they go looking for your product or service. For example, if you sell hairdryers, your target audience would probably be searching for terms like ‘hairdryer’ or ‘best hairdryer’, they may also be searching for product-adjacent items like ‘curling irons’ or ‘heat protection hairspray’. The key is to understand what your audience is typing and working with the data. Google Analytics provides insights into how your audience finds you – their sources, if you will – and this includes information like keywords and search terms.

2. Identify Your Best Content & Optimize

One of the best things about Google Analytics is its ability to tell you what’s working on your website and what’s not. Using page and content reports, you can see exactly where your traffic is spending the most time on your website and where you’re losing their interest. Using this information you can identify your strongest content and pages and improve on areas where you’re weaker.

Another great aspect of Google Analytics is being able to see just how your website visitors are traversing through your site – you can see entry points and exits – and this should add another layer to your optimization strategy. If you’re seeing a lot of traffic come in on a handful of blog posts, then you know they’re catching people’s attention, but maybe you’re losing them on your ‘sign up’ or ‘contact us’ page and you’re not sure why. It might be something as simple as a broken ‘submit’ button, but it could also be that navigation is too difficult or your contact forms too complicated. Remember that most of us like to keep things simple.

3. Identify Potential New Markets

Google Analytics can show you where people are accessing your website from – what countries and cities. If you’re a small company with a local presence and you want to keep it that way, you can use this information to make sure you’re reaching your local audience by changing up your targeting strategy. On the other hand, you might be able to use this opportunity to expand to new markets in different cities or countries outside of your normal target zone. If you find a high demand from outside your zone, why not explore it?

4. Stay on top of Incoming Data

One of the great things about Google Analytics is that you can set it up to email reports to you to provide you with key highlights or detailed insights, depending on what you’re after. Getting this information delivered straight into your inbox can help you act more quickly on incoming data. If you’re getting highlights you’ll see drops and spikes and these will help give you an idea about how your site has done and whether you need to make any adjustments or tweaks. 

5. Discover your Best Traffic Sources & Referrers

Website traffic sources can show you where your getting your website traffic from. As we mentioned, it helps you identify the keywords that people are using to find your site, but Google Analytics can also help you figure out where your traffic is originating – are your organic tactics working? Are your paid campaigns doing their work? What are your best referrer sites? Referrers are sites through which your audience is finding their way to your website – this could include social media, affiliate links, or SEO backlinks. It’s important to know where your audience is coming from you so you can nurture those sources to make sure you maintain that traffic stream.

6. Be Mobile-First

Google Analytics can show you what devices are being used to access your site. Mobile-centric is on the rise, and all websites and online platforms need to put their best foot forward to allow people to visit them on their mobile devices. In fact, mobile-friendliness is one of the main factors in increasing SEO ranking. Using Google Analytics will let you keep an eye on just how mobile-friendly people are finding your site and whether visitor behaviour changes depending on their activity on mobile.

7. Don’t Focus on a Single Metric

This is a key point. Google Analytics offers a whole host of different kinds of data and it can be easy to get lost or to focus on just one data point, but it’s important to use context to get the most out of your data. Don’t fall into the trap of the single metric, make sure you take a look at the bigger picture as well to work up a proper data profile to give you the strongest ability to drive traffic to your website.

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Final Thoughts 

Getting quality website traffic can be tricky if you don’t know where to start. Using Google Analytics can definitely help you identify your site’s strengths and weaknesses and help you find out where your current traffic is coming from. Making the most of the data you’re getting is important to any good digital marketing strategy.

If you’re not sure where to start, or you’d like to step up your data-driven digital marketing, we, 2stallions here to help you! Get in touch and we’ll talk!


Skyrocket Your Online Presence With 2Stallions Digital Marketing Agency. Specializing in online marketing and advertising, we craft strategies that resonate with your audience and drive results. Harness the power of data-driven insights through expert utilization of Google Analytics, ensuring every campaign is optimized for success.

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